Francesco Paolo Michetti
In many references to Abruzzo you will often see the expression forte e gentile (strong and kind) to describe Abruzzo and its inhabitants. The phrase is attributed to Primo Levi (1853-1917) a journalist and diplomat – not to be confused with the well renowned writer and Holocaust survivor Primo Levi.
Levi wrote about his travels to Abruzzo in a book published in 1882 called ‘Abruzzo forte e gentile: Impressioni d’Occhio e di Cuore” (Abruzzo Strong & Kind: Impressions of the Eye and the Heart)
The cover of the book was also illustrated by the famous Abruzzese artist Francesco Paolo Michetti (born in Tocco da Casauria).
Below is an excerpt from the book that introduces the term ‘forte e gentile’ which is now the unofficial motto of the Abruzzo region.
“V’a nella nostra lingua, tutta, in sé stessa, semplicità ed efficacia, una parola consacrata dalla intenzione degli onesti a designare molte cose buone, molte cose necessarie: e la parola Forza. Epperò, s’è detto e si dice il forte Abruzzo. V’a nella nostra lingua, tutta, in sé stessa, comprensiva eleganza, una parola che vale a comprendere definendole, tutte le bellezze, tutte le nobiltà è la parola Gentilezza.
Epperò, dopo aver visto e conosciuto l’Abruzzo, dico io: Abruzzo Forte e Gentile.”There in our language, in its entirety, in itself, simplicity and effectiveness, a word consecrated by the intention of the honest to create many good things, many necessary things: and the word is Strength. And yet it has been said and is said – the strong Abruzzo. There in our language, in its entirety, in itself, comprehensive elegance, a word that can be used to define all the beauties, all the nobilities is the word Kind.
Primo Levi
And yet, after having seen and known Abruzzo, I say: Abruzzo Strong and Kind.